

As more and more employers are applying open offices, research in this area reveals that they are a source of noise and can reduce employee productivity.

Consider the following scenario: "You are sitting at your desk working for a reëndësishme work that your boss wants to finish today while another colleague is on the phone his mother, while my colleague on the other hand writes forcefully on the keyboard" which automatically distracts him and finalization work is not at the level that it should be.

Our recruiters during interviews with candidates have realized that one of the reasons why they want to move from their current jobs is because of the noise. Candidates have indicated that they work environment plays a major role in their productivity together with the understanding between colleagues.

Employers can help their employees to be more productive by providing more isolated work environments, the most modern and beautiful to the eye.

So employers give employees peace, space and tools to perform the work focused.

Encourage everyone to secede from the Internet after work to find a balance between work and life.