ALKOS GROUP is one of the leading distribution companies in Albania whose foundation dates back to 2004, in Tirana. Importing, marketing and distributing products of world-leading brands is what ALKOS GROUP does best/is an expert on it. Through extensive efforts and hard work we have become the exclusive representative of several international brands for our home market. Within the last decade the group has steadily evolved and grown its presence in the market. We have expanded our geographical coverage and extended products’ range. We are present with our products in most households in Albania. We deliver on the increasing consumer demand for brands that improve and elevate the quality of their lives. It leads the way we conduct business and approach the market needs. Being strongly consumer oriented to us means uncompromised commitment to quality. We constantly analyze the market and consider consumers’ needs. New brands and products are added in our portfolio as we are always striving to meet those needs. ALKOS GROUP operates in diverse business areas with different brands and different demands, therefore customized strategies in terms of distribution, logistics and marketing are applied. We carefully select the brands we choose to introduce to the market. Then supports them by promoting and marketing them through well-organized distribution channels. Conducting business in a market that is dynamic we keep alert so to identify new trends but mostly to anticipate them and maintain our competitive advantage. Nowadays, the group operates in several companies and divisions under the same administration. We support our partners by promoting and marketing their brands leading to increased business and providing value adding services. We would like to be perceived by our partners as inseparable part of their success chain.
SO CART sh.p.k., pjese e Alkos Group Albania, eshte kompani prodhuese shqiptare, me aktivitetet kryesor transformimin e letres celuloze ne produkt perfundimtar per konsumatorin, shpall vakant pozicionin Punonjes i Kualifikuar Makinerie (M)
Ne ofrojmë:
*Te gjithe aplikimet do te trajtohen me konfidencialitet te larte sipas Ligjit Nr. 9887 vendosur nga Kuvendi i Shqiperise per "Mbrojtjen e te Dhenave Personale".