Front end developer

O nama është platforma e shërbimit për karrierë në fusha te ndryshme te punes. Reporterët tanë analizojnë me mprehtësi dhe profesionalizëm tregun duke u munduar t' ju ofrojme ate qe ju doni, me synim t'ju ndihmojmë që ju të gjeni profilin e pershtatshem dhe të zhvilloni karrierën tuaj.

Naziv pozicije * Front end developer
Kategorija Software/Web Development
Vrsta posla Full Time
Opis posla

Front end developer

We are looking for experienced front end developers that are capable of designing systems that are stable, maintainable and function well.

Traženi uslovi

What we require:

•    Experience with JavaScript, HTML, CSS and jQuery

•    Optimize applications for maximum speed

•    Collaborate with back-end developers with coding and troubleshooting

•    Proven work experience as a Front-end developer

•    Knowledge of SEO principles

•    Excellent analytical and multitasking skills

•    Degree in Computer Science or relevant field

Applicants interested in this position and whose qualifications match the requirements are welcome to send their CV to: