Digital Content Specialist

About us

Our business has a positive impact on the people every day. Helping people to “better job, better life” is our common purpose and the way in which we contribute to society. This is what we do, this is what we know about, this is what we care about, and this is what we are all about.

Post Title * Digital Content Specialist
Category Digital Content Specialist
Work type Full Time
Job Description

Role: Execute and monitor the Digital Trade Engagement platform in dealing with tobacco products in preselected touchpoints, via an online mobile application while providing services in accordance with the list and instructions provided by authorized representatives of the DTE platform. Improve activities to grow effectiveness of platform and ensure continuous enhancement in this area; absolute functioning sales & decision making systems and reporting; proper performance tracking; continuous sales fundamentals efficiency improvements; maintain the regular reporting frequency; conduct analysis and scenario modeling; fulfill ad hoc requests in order to provide the key decision makers of of the company with high quality and timely business information from different areas (participation-performance) in a holistic manner, thus contributing to meeting the project objectives.

List of job responsibilities:

1. Creation and dispatch of task template based on Media plan delivered from Marketing & Trade Activation Team.

2. Checking and approving/rejecting the task performed from touchpoints personnel while keeping follow up on low performance touchpoints.

3. Educating and being in close collaboration with Business Building Executive for successful implementation of the platform in their respective territories.

4. Always tracking and finding faster and better solution for all touchpoints who are facing technical issue with the platform in efficient way.

5. Monitoring and performing rewarding system for all the touchpoints in monthly/quarterly/yearly period while being compliant with record information management.

6. Frequently performing internal system maintenance in order to ensure 100% of system working.

8. Collection and recording in the electronic device of information on sales, the availability of tobacco products in the Point of Sales, and other information in accordance with the list of information collected.

9. Verification and assistance in securing the commodity stocks of tobacco products in the touchpoints.

10. Assistance to the representative of the outlet in the placement of materials for the demonstration of tobacco products through application.

11. Carrying out initiative calls to retail outlets that do not perform the assigned tasks for more than 1 week.

12. Verification of the fulfillment of the terms of the trade programs by the Point of Sales in accordance with the list of information collected.

13. Operative transfer of all received information on Customer's comments and / or wishes to interest Company Departments.

14. Ensure the timely execution of all provided reporting and other working documentation.




  • Excellent oral and written communication skills
  • Fluent English

Relevant Experience for type of services we need

  • Period: min. 1 year

Type of previous working experience/industry

Professional skills

  • Advanced MS Office skills
  • Microsoft Operating System – regular knowledge 

Soft skills

Main key behaviors assess for the position: Communication, Learning, Leading and Collaboration. 

Other (Optional)

Apply now or +355 68 901 5538