"ÇELËSI Media Group" operon në tregun Shqiptar që prej vitit 1998 duke qenë udhëheqësi në sigurimin e informacionit praktik në Shqipëri, duke mbuluar 5 fushat kryesore të komunikimit: konsumatori drejt konsumatorit (C2C), biznesi drejt konsumatorit (B2C), biznesi drejt biznesit (B2B), aktivitetet artistike & kulturore dhe turizmin. ÇELËSI vjen me një shërbim të ri që do të jetë mjeti për konsultë, mbështetje dhe lehtësim të punëdhënësve dhe punëkërkuesve në gjetjen dhe ruajtjen e njëri-tjetrit. Ky shërbim i ri i quajtur “Profesionisti” nga ÇELËSI do të plotësojë strategjikisht shërbimet e rekrutimit si për punëdhënësit ashtu edhe për vetë punëkërkuesit dhe përfaqësojë revolucionarizimin e tregut të punës.
Profesionisti Recruitment Agency is a Recruitment and Consulting Agency focused on evaluating Human Resources and facilitating businesses to select the right staff. Our purpose is to build trusted, long-term relationships with candidates and businesses. Our vision is to ensure that people in our market are inspired, motivated, trained and developed to embrace the future of work. Our mission is to help our customers source and hire the most qualified professionals in select and highly skilled occupations, and to help those professionals find the best job opportunities in their respective fields and further their careers.
On behalf of our International Client, a digital agency in the field of content management, software development, digital production, digital PR, web application development and video production, is looking for a potential candidate for the position of PHP Developer
Qualifications and Skills
With a previous experience of at least 3 years in back-end development activities, the resource will deal with the development of new applications and the evolutionary and corrective activities of existing platforms.
The ideal candidate must possess the following requirements:
Nice to have
Knowledge of AWS services;
Knowledge of yii2, Symfony frameworks;
Basic skills for the configuration of Apache and nginx webserver in Linux environment (Debian, Ubuntu).
Complete the profile:
If you possess the qualities listed above, please send your CV specifying the position to email address: recruitment@profesionisti.al or you can contact us at the contact number: +355 68 208 1357
"All applications will be treated with the confidentiality of the dictionary according to law No. 9887 using by the Albanian Parliament for" Personal Data Protection "