Jurist - Gjermanisht foles

За нас

Oracle Solicitors is an international law firm known for its approach of problem solving with our clients to find innovative legal solutions. We provide tailored services to our clients that meet their needs combining our experience and legal expertise with our commercial understanding. This helps to manage the risk to clients and helps them to meet their own financial and strategic objectives.

Наслов на огласот * Jurist - Gjermanisht foles
Категорија Правник
Опис на работата

Oracle Solicitors po rekruton!


Pakete konkuruese financiare
Inserim i menjehershem ne kompani
Trajnime te vazhdueshme
Mundesi rritjeje profesionale

Numri i pozicioneve te hapura: 3

Per te rezervuar nje interviste te pare mund te dergoni kandidaturen tuaj ne:
Email: furra.a@oraclesolicitors.co.uk
Cel: +355 67 20 00 140

Потребни квалификации

Oracle Solicitors po rekruton!

Kriteret kualifikuese:

Bachelor ne profilin e drejtesise
Nivel B2 i gjuhes gjermane