Rreth nesh
The HeadHunter Group is a private profitable company, headquartered in New York City, Rockefeller Plaza!
We operate in USA, Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina!
Partnering all around the world with the Biggest Global HR Companies! More than 1500 clients in these countries have chosen The HeadHunter Group!
We are the only and truly Social Responsible Company, contributing every year for human rights, women rights and LGBT rights at the work place!
Our business has a positive impact on the people every day. Helping people to “better job, better life” is our common purpose and the way in which we contribute to society.
This is what we do, this is what we know about, this is what we care about, and this is what we are all about.
Përshkrimi i Punës
For our client, a technology management platform company, we are looking for the following position:
- Analyze the requirements and collaborate for determining and deciding on the best implementation options in WordPress;
- Develop and integrate custom themes and functionalities by extending WordPress (creating custom fields, custom post types and taxonomies, widgets) and create custom modules (mostly in vanilla PHP and other core web technologies) as required by the project;
- Develop e-commerce functionalities, primarily working in WooCommerce by performing configuration, extension and customization;
- Integrate third-party libraries;
- Integration of frameworks or other platforms in case of complex projects, and work with external web services through APIs as required;
- Contribute in front-end development by implementing parts of the UI/UX design elements and, generally, integrating the front and back-end sides of the software;
- Optimization of the code and final product primarily in terms of performance - best practices implementation and WordPress-specific optimization;
- Assist in the optimization of other aspects of the final product such as cross-responsiveness, security, SEO and more;
- Assist in the actual operation and management of the whole optimized WordPress set-up in terms of configuration, monitoring, maintenance and updates, as well as training and troubleshooting and resolving problems for clients and co-workers.
Kërkesat e profilit
- Excellent knowledge and skills in both front-end and back-end fundamental web technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and SQL;
- Naturally, strong PHP programming skills in particular are required.
- Very good knowledge of WordPress as a platform and seniority in WordPress development is required;
- Experience with the creation of custom WordPress themes, structures and modules and with advanced configuration and optimization;
- Experience with e-commerce development, particularly with WooCommerce development;
- You strive to write efficient code which adheres to the WP coding standards and are able to navigate through the official developer resources to find solutions for coding problems as required;
- Experience with HTML5, CSS3, latest JS versions, AJAX implementation, and MySQL specifically;
- Also, some level of experience with common front-end libraries and frameworks such as Bootstrap, jQuery, etc. and common server-side frameworks and libraries as well
- Familiarity with tools such as reputable WP starter themes (for example underscores.me) and frameworks (like Genesis) is an advantage; knowledge and experience with other web development libraries and frameworks / platforms, and modern cutting-edge technologies, such as Express JS, Angular JS, Laravel, etc., is also an advantage;
- Working experience with version control and code management tools - Git and Git-based tools;
- You rely on strong logic, good programming skills and solid computer science concepts to follow through and write quality code for solving a variety of layout and functionality problems;
- You are open and flexible to contribute in any of the related phases of the production process as the project demands;
- You are aware of and understand the modern web development industry together with common challenges and solutions;
- A minimum of 3 years of work experience as a professional developer (in the workplace and/or with projects);
- Overall quality-awareness, attention to detail and customer-oriented;
- Communicative, willing to engage and collaborate in effective teamwork;
- Demonstrate integrity and responsibility in the workplace.
Tjetër (Opsionale)
NOTE: This job description is not intended to be all-inclusive. Employee may perform other related duties as negotiated to meet the ongoing needs of the organization.
Are you interested in a new challenge in an innovative company? Have you answered well our questions related this position? Then we look forward to getting to know you and offer to you a very innovative challenge that will change your life forever! The interested candidates are invited to send their application documents (a Cover Letter and a CV in English) at: p.kurti@theheadhunter.com If you have any technical questions related the application, please, contact Mrs. Pegi KURTI until 26/07/2021
Try The HeadHunter for your success!
Believe your career to the ONLY professionals!
Please be informed that only the candidates selected for the interviews shall be contacted. Name your CV in the following format (name [space] surname [space] CV). Be easily recognized!
*Të gjitha aplikimet do të trajtohen me konfidencialitet të plotë sipas ligjit Nr .9887 vendosur nga Kuvendi i Shqipërisë për “Mbrojtjen e të Dhënave Personale” i datës 10.03.2008.
*The personal information that you put in your application will be protected and used only for recruitment purposes, based on the applicable law on personal data protection Law No. 9887, dated 10.03.2008.
*Ai sensi del Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali N.9887 del 10.03.2008, tutti i CV inviati alla nostra azienda sono trattati e conservati nella massima riservatezza.