
LGBTIQ Employment Equality Index, North Macedonia 2020

17 th May 2021, Skopje

The Headhunter Group, together with the non-profit organization Dignity Global and its foundation, People First and with the strong support of the Embassy of the Netherlands in North Macedonia as a part of its social responsibility created and implemented the LGBTIQ Employment Equality Index.

The HeadHunter, the largest Group operating in the areas of Human Resources, in the Western Balkans, also present in Cyprus, Greece and the United States, invites you to follow the official presentation of the LGBTIQ Employment Equality Index. The index is introduced for the first time in North Macedonia and is a system ranking companies which protects and supports the rights and dignity of LGBTIQ jobseekers and employees. The index rewards those companies which have devotedly put into practice diversity at the workplace. The index also represents a great opportunity for companies, jobseekers and legal authorities, to promote best practices in the employment sector. This is an opportunity to provide concrete information about education and awareness-raising against discrimination at the workplace.

People First is fthe oundation part of the world wide Dignity Global non-government organization founded in 2019 with its headquarters in New York City. The main focus is on equal opportunities for everyonearound the world no matter race, age, sex, religious beliefs or cultural backgrounds.

The HeadHunter Group‘s founder, Mr. Elton ILIRJANI, states in relation to this Index: “We have created the Index as a way to contribute more specifically to improving the life of citizens pertaining to LGBTIQ community, by introducing it first in Albania and then in Kosovo, Bosnia & Herzegovina and North Macedonia. By strengthening the competitive spirit in the private sector, we have created this Index to reward companies in their efforts to include LGBTIQ people in the workplace, and to encourage companies in receiving ever-higher ratings, year after year “.

In the Index, a number of 70 companies and organizations of North Macedonia, from a big number of industries, were included in the survey, which expressed their willingness to participate in this research.

Following a standardized format and methodology, The HeadHunter Group staff makes verification of policies and practices in place while conducting interviews. Out of the 70 participating companies, five of them have managed to win awards; bronze, silver and gold. Analysis of findings has shown that policies, diversity, practices and programs in general, in the workplace, are absent in North Macedonia. Even if they are present, generally do not include LGBTIQ community jobseekers and employees. Companies lack of policies, practices, and trained human resource managers in the field of diversity at work. Just to mention few key findings from the study, on the question: Does the company have a non-discrimination and equal employment opportunity policy that applies to all employees?

Exactly 50% of companies state that they currently have a policy for non-discrimination and equal opportunity for all employees. Although this represents half of participating companies, as this question is not specifically for LGBTIQ persons but for all persons, it shows that there is still tremendous room for improvement in building a culture of non-discrimination. Companies were asked if the policy is specific to LGBTIQ and related status. None of the companies had policies that contained language related to LGBTIQ and related status, again highlighting the fact that employment policies as yet do not sufficiently protect LGBTIQ job-seekers and employees. However, is positive that 13% of the companies mention that all terms are included in their policies and only 6 % of companies train their human resource managers or other directors on non-discrimination and equal opportunities. Taking into account the findings, The HeadHunter Group sees a great need for training about diversity in the workplace for companies in North Macedonia, as well as about standardized policies and practices that companies can tailor and adopt.

“In the Index’s findings, we were not surprised by the lack of investment in the workplace diversity,” says The HeadHunter‘s founder, Mr. Elton ILIRJANI, “but negativity apart, we see a unique opportunity and interest from companies in adopting policies and train their staff on this issue. We are ready to offer support to companies based on their willingness, through making our technical available to them. “

The HeadHunter Group will introduce the results of this Index on May 17, 2021, at the group’s website and at the following web portals:

All the media in the country are invited to follow the official report, where interesting results for this year will be